corporation securities

英 [ˌkɔːpəˈreɪʃn sɪˈkjʊərɪtiz] 美 [ˌkɔːrpəˈreɪʃn sɪˈkjʊrətiz]




  1. Research on the Relationship between Innovation of Financial Instruments and the Governance Mechanism of Private Corporation in China; Risk Prevention and Countermeasures on Securities Industry Innovation& Lessons from American Securities Tool Innovation
  2. Is the client a licensed corporation registered with the securities and futures commission?
  3. He has great influence in the field of commercial law and is particularly specialized in the area of corporation and securities.
  4. In order to develop the socialist market economy, China has instigated Corporation Law, Guarantee Law, Negotiable Instruments Law, Securities Law, Contract Law and Sole Proprietor Enterprise Law.
  5. An offer to buy shares in a corporation ( usually above the market price) for cash or securities or both.
  6. Chapter 3 focused on the cases under which, individual, securities company, listed corporation, securities professional service institution should take the civil liability.
  7. The system of acquisition of shareholders 'letter of authorization is a new question for study in the fields of corporation law and securities law.
  8. This paper makes a thorough investigation of the current status for financial conglomerate corporation, and puts forward some strategies for the securities corporation to develop in future.
  9. First, in order to overcome legal obstacles to the construction of ESO, revising Chinese Corporation Law, Securities Law, Tax Law and correlative accountant regulations has been proposed.
  10. On the Asset-backed Securities of the Finance Asset Management Corporation Discussion on Meanings of Asset-backed Securities
  11. Risk management of securities corporation Backup Tactics of the Data in Securities Business Branches
  12. Corresponding to the main plate, it possesses its own unique features and therefore, it is necessary to revise relevant items in the Corporation Act and Securities Act.
  13. The Corporation Governance Structure in Securities Company& Angle of Independent Director Analysis
  14. There are many works and papers discussing M& A in the fields of corporation law, securities law and anti-trust law, and some of them are very excellent.
  15. The regulation to listed companies is involved in corporation law, securities law, taxes law, account law and many other law fields. This article discusses the perfection of legislation on connected transaction of listed companies from the angle of corporation law.
  16. According to articles pertaining to investor protection in Corporation law, Securities law and governance rules of listed firm, this paper brings forward some suggestions on improvement and an idea of setting up special organization to protect rights and interests of investors to perfect the judicial system.
  17. With the share-for-share listing of TCL Corporation and successful share's Second issuing of Wuhan Iron and Steel Corporation ( Wugang in short), in the securities market," overall listing "has been a focus.
  18. It is known that there are various problems in the legal system of corporation and securities of our country, but for the international offering of securities there are more loopholes in the law.
  19. Therefore, the risk follows the securities corporation constantly, and influences the operational activities of the securities corporation.
  20. Corporation bond market is one of the most important components of securities market, with double functions of financing and optimizing resources distribution. A favorable corporation bond market will apparently promote a sound development of securities market.
  21. Therefore, to limit and reduce the rent-seeking behavior in the securities market, we should prefect securities market institution by reforming securities issue institution, improving governance structure of listed corporation, strengthening securities supervision.
  22. To withdraw from the market, according to the legal requirements and the listing contract agreement, the government regulatory agencies or termination of listing Corporation stock exchange securities trading at a stock exchange qualification according to law, from a listing Corporation into a non-listed company.
  23. Especially the bankruptcy of big corporation may fluctuate the whole securities market and region economy.
  24. According to generalized understanding, disgorgement of corporation is an system both in the securities law and the corporate law.
  25. So, undisclosed information listing Corporation, has become the hottest thing in the securities market.
  26. The author analyzes protection system in Corporation Law and Securities Law in both listed companies and non-listed companies. And importance and realistic meaning of compulsory distribution system is raised here.
  27. The connected transaction of the listed company is regulated by our Corporation Law, Securities Law and the related laws and rules.
  28. The investor protection is not only the purpose of legislation of corporation law and securities law, but also the logical starting point and research basis of the whole theoretical system of Law and Finance.